Visitors' Guide
What happens on a Sunday morning at Mt. Olive?
That's a great question! It's not always "fun" to go to a place for the first time and not know what's going to happen. Will I have to stand up and introduce myself? (No.) Will the Pastor call on me in the sermon? (No.) Will I be bored out of my mind? (We hope not!)
Wear what you are comfortable with in public. God looks at the heart so dress up or come casual it's all good with us.
You're our guest. We don't want anyone giving to our church until they know what we stand for and have full confidence that we are going to use any gifts wisely and for the glory of God. So pass the plate - guilt free!
Normal Sunday Schedule (and Monday nights)
8:30 am - 8:55 am (Monday = 5:30 pm - 6:55 pm) - Warm up - Come into the sanctuary and listen to the music, take some time to think, pray, read the Bible, or get to know someone new.
9:00 am (Monday = 6:00 pm) - The service begins with song and prayer. Then we dig into God's word. Pastor Marggraf leads us through a study in the Bible. Is where we get to really listen to what God is saying to us in our world and life. Our services celebrate the family of believers who have gone before us and praise God that countless people join them in our times. Because of that we use songs and elements of worship both traditional and contemporize.
10:00 am (Monday = 7:00 pm) - Our services typically end in about an hour. Say "HI" to someone you don't know - they may be a lifelong member or brand new too. Have a great week!
10:15 am (September - May) - Sunday School and Adult Bible class begin. Bible class meets in the fellowship hall - grab a complimentary cup of coffee and treat and join us. Sunday School meet in the sanctuary and walk down to the classrooms together. Sunday School is open to any child preK (3 and 4 year olds) through the 8th grade.
10:15 am (June - August) - While our Sunday School and Adult Bible classes are on break for the summer we like to have "Cookies on the Patio" for a time of fellowship together after out Worship Service. Join us outside, grab a treat (or two) and meet someone new.